Three quick questions with Fanny

Welcome to our new series where we highlight the team members behind the VagiVital brand with three quick questions!

We start with Fanny Falkman Grinndal, our passionate Nordic leader. With a long career in women's health, she shares her passion for innovation and women's health, which truly shines through in her work and dedication to VagiVital.

Follow the series to get to know Fanny and the rest of our fantastic team, where each member contributes to our common mission ❤️

What drives you in your work?
"Oh, there are so many things! It's hard to be passionate alone, but I have the privilege of working with smart, experienced, and wonderful colleagues in a flat organization where we all share a passion for women's health and innovation. We are still a growing company, and being part of that journey and contributing to our development is incredibly exciting. Since I started writing our VagiVital blog, where I share personal stories from my life along with facts and research related to women's health, I have also developed a personal connection with our customers, which means a lot to me. Listening to women's needs and challenges is also crucial for navigating our way forward. A VagiVital community filled with inspiring women supporting each other is something I am especially passionate about."

How did your journey in women's health begin?
"I was just a few years old when my father tickled me and I exclaimed dramatically, 'Watch out for my eggs!' Today, I am 50 years old and have given birth to four children, so some of those eggs were indeed used," she says, laughing. "But honestly, women's health, with all it entails, has always fascinated me. I have worked in many different industries but have always gravitated toward areas that work for women. For many years, I worked both as a doula and as a childbirth preparation course leader for 'Annas Profylax,' where I had the opportunity to educate 6000 parents, and since then, I have continued in femtech companies. Even my name 'Fanny' means 'vagina,'" she adds with a smile.

What does 'Stay Pussytive' mean to you?
"'Stay Pussytive' is much more than a clever play on words; it is an attitude and a movement striving to empower women's positions in society through health and openness. For me personally, it means always maintaining a positive and empowering dialogue about women's health. It's about breaking down stigmas, building community, and promoting an atmosphere where women can talk openly about their bodies and intimate health without fear or shame. Being 'Pussytive' means taking control of our health and well-being and working together to create a world where all women can do the same."

Take care of yourself and Stay Pussytive ❤️

/The VagiVital Team