VagiVital AktivGel


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The recommended duration for Vagivital care is 90 days, which corresponds to 3 gel tubes. Save 15% with a bundle!

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VagiVital is a transparent vaginal gel that fights against issues such as dryness, itching, irritation and discomfort during sexual intercourse. It’s also easy to use. A smart applicator gives the right dose every time and can be cleaned with just hot water due to our unique non-greasy formula.

Active gel for vaginal dryness

  • Tube of 36ml gel (gives about 30 doses)
  • Hormone-free moisturising vaginal gel
  • Alleviates symptoms such as itching and irritation
  • Relieves discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse and urination
  • Applicator included

VagiVital is a totally hormone free vaginal gel that relieves and cures symptoms of vaginal atrophy such as dryness, irritation or itching, discomfort during intercourse, or when urinating.

This transparent gel releases water over time to restore pH balance and to encourage cell growth in the vaginal wall. Among other benefits, positive results are thanks to the physical properties of the gel, since you need the right texture to achieve long-lasting success.  

The effective results are clinically proven and have been documented in a study conducted by female scientists at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Akademiska University Hospital in Uppsala, and the University Hospital in Umeå, Sweden.

One (1) ml dose of VagiVital should be applied daily for 30 days, after which only when needed. 

1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Open the tube.

3. Push/screw the supplied vaginal applicator onto the tube until it reaches the bottom and sticks in place. 

4. Press the tube until the applicator is completely filled with gel (1 ml). Maintain light pressure on the tube with your thumb to avoid the applicator piston from going backwards. 

5. Remove the applicator from the tube and replace the lid.

6. Wet the applicator's outside for an easier insertion. Insert the front end of the applicator into the vagina (4 – 5 cm) and slowly push the plunger until it reaches the bottom and its original position. Remove the applicator.

7. Wash your hands again and clean your applicator by pulling the plunger out of the applicator and wash both parts separately. Use hot water until all the gel is gone. Let the parts dry completely before putting the applicator back together.

Water, hypromellose, benzoic acid, lactic acid and sodium hydroxide.  PH 3.8. This gel is totally hormone-free. 

VagiVital has been named a therapeutic vaginal gel since it has been proven to do much more than simply moisturize. VagiVital has undergone a multi-centre clinical study on 90 patients, documenting safe and positive results. Led by a group of female scientists, professors and practicing gynecologists at Karolinska University Hospital, Uppsala University Hospital and Umeå University Hospital in Sweden, a total of 79% of patients experienced complete relief or a significant improvement in their most persistent symptoms. 

The following results have been proven:

- Complete relief or significant improvement of most common symptoms (itching, irritation, stinging, discomfort during sexual intercourse or urination)

- Reduced sense of urgency to urinate

- Improvement of vaginal pH and increase of superficial cells in the vaginal tissue.

The positive effects of VagiVital are on par with those reported for most estrogen preparations, with one important difference: VagiVital is completely hormone-free.

 The study was designed according to FDA guidelines.

What People Are Saying

Customer Reviews

Based on 348 reviews
Funkar toppen

Använder bara på yttre slemhinnor och det funkar superbra. Märkte stor skillnad redan efter ett par veckor. Men man måste fortsätta smörja regelbundet annars kommer torrheten tillbaka. Är väldigt nöjd!

Malin Pettersson
Mycket effektiv

Fungerade till 100% kommer fortsätta använda så länge det behövs

Katarina Karlsson
Inte den effekt jag väntat mig

Jag hade stora förhoppningar på att bli återfuktad, tvättkrämen är skön gelén märker jag inget av tyvärr

Så bra att du skriver eftersom det ger oss möjligheten att återigen lyfta vikten av att använda gelen i 90 dagar. Vi vet att de flesta av oss vill ha ett snabbt resultat men i våra studier vid svenska universitetssjukhus kan vi se att bäst effekt uppnås först efter 3 månader (90 dagar). En del kvinnor märker effekt direkt medan för andra tar det faktiskt upp till 3 månader innan de märker någon skillnad. Ser att du köpte gelen i slutet av juli, dvs fortsätt använda den varje dag i ytterligare 2 månader och återkom gärna till oss igen och berätta mer om resultatet 🙌 Ta hand om dig & Stay Pussytive 😍

Margareta Hörnkvist

Så behaglig och skön.

Tusen tack för att du delar med dig 🙌 Vår intimtvätt ÄR otroligt behaglig och skön


Jag har inte mått bra av att tillföra hormoner mot torra slemhinnor och de konsekvenser torra slemhinnor medför.
Vagivital fungerar jättebra och är utan tvekan ett fullgott alternativ till hormoner.

Tack snälla för att du delar med dig 😍 I våra studier kan vi se att AktivGel har en likvärdig effekt mot torra slemhinnor som östrogen har, dvs om det enda (finns ju ibland flera 😬) problem är torra slemhinnor så fungerar AktivGel som ett utmärkt alternativ. Det är också viktigt att tillägga att det även går utmärkt att kombinera AktivGel med hormontillskott, om man inte känner att hormoner inte ger tillräcklig hjälp för torra slemhinnor men ändå behöver extra östrogen av andra orsaker. Läs gärna mer i vår blogg om ämnet:
Ta hand om dig & Stay Pussytive


Does not contain any hormones. Despite this VagiVital shows same level of symptom relief as hormone treatments.


VagiVital has been rigorously tested by a team of female scientists at University hospitals in Sweden. To clinically prove our products is our DNA.

Non Greasy

Fat free crystal clear gel. The gel will stay where it has been deposited and you are ready to go.

Clinically proven

VagiVital has been rigorously tested by a team of female scientists at the Karolinska University Hospital, the University Hospital in Uppsala, and the Umeå University Hospital in Sweden. The study shows that VagiVital effectively alleviates and treats symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy and dryness, such as itching, irritation, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Throughout the day, VagiVital gel releases moisture into the vaginal walls and restores pH balance while encouraging cell growth in the superficial layers of the vaginal tissue.

How To Use

1. Wash your hands

Wash hands with soap and water.

2. fill applicator

Fill the applicator with t gel (1 ml)

3. wet the applicator

Wet the applicator's outside for an easier insertion.

4. Insert applicator

Insert the applicator into the vagina (4 – 5 cm) and slowly push the plunger.

5. Clean the applicator

Wash your hands again and clean your applicator

6. let dry

Let the parts dry completely before putting the applicator back together.

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