Here's how a healthy vagina should smell & taste

When it comes to our genitals and their health, odour and taste is one of the factors women often think about. But what does a healthy vagina actually smell and taste like?


Fresh discharge has a slightly acidic odour reminiscent of kefir. The sour odour is due to an acidic (low) pH value, which is a sign that the lactobacilli in the vagina are producing plenty of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These substances are important parts of the vagina's natural defences. The protective, good bacteria help to remove harmful bacteria and restore the balance in the vagina. The acidic environment discourages the growth of pathogens (disease-causing organisms) and helps to maintain a healthy vaginal flora. A slightly acidic odour is therefore a positive indicator of vaginal health.

Read more about the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis here!


The vagina has a naturally low pH value, usually between 3.8 and 4.5, which means that the environment is quite acidic. When the acidic fluids come into contact with the fabric in your panties, they can sometimes cause discolouration. This is because the high level of acid can react with certain types of fabric, especially cotton, and cause a chemical reaction that changes the colour of the fabric. The discolouration can range from yellowish to brownish, and is a direct result of the acidic environment necessary to maintain vaginal health. Although the discolouration of your panties may seem worrying, it's actually a sign that your vagina is working properly. The acidic discharge is a sign that the lactobacilli are active and producing substances necessary to protect against infections. This means your vaginal flora is in balance and your body is effectively defending itself against potentially harmful microorganisms. The next time it happens, look at it as a sign of good vaginal health ❤️


It is common for the odour to vary during the menstrual cycle and throughout life. Around your period, there may be a slightly metallic odour because the blood contains iron. A healthy vagina has a natural, slightly acidic odour. Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or menopause, can also change the odour. The most important thing is that the vagina should never smell bad. Bad odour from the vagina can have several causes. A forgotten tampon can quickly cause an unpleasant odour. An odour reminiscent of rotten fish is a typical symptom of bacterial vaginosis, which affects almost one in three women of childbearing age.

Test whether foul-smelling discharge is due to bacterial vaginosis here!


It can feel a little taboo to talk about taste when it comes to our genitals, but just as with smell, taste can give us important clues about vaginal health. A healthy vagina has a flavour that can also be described as slightly acidic, much like kefir. As with odour, hormonal changes can affect the taste of discharge. During the menstrual cycle, the flavour can also vary, and around the time of menstruation, a slightly metallic taste may appear due to the iron content in the blood. Pregnancy and menopause are other periods in life where hormonal changes can affect the flavour.


A healthy vagina doesn't smell or taste like raspberries or strawberries 😊 Perfumed products irritate the mucous membranes and disrupt the natural balance, which can lead to itching, dryness and an increased risk of infections. Soaps, even mild ones, dry out the delicate skin of the vagina and remove the good lactobacteria that protect against bacteria, viruses and fungi. This can lead to dryness, infections and irritation, and can worsen symptoms.

Instead, choose your vagina's best friend, the VagiVital V Cleanser ❤️ You'll have to try it yourself to realise how intensely moisturising the VagiVital V Cleanser intimate wash is, as it's based on our proven VagiVital AktivGel for dry mucous membranes. For all women and daily intimate cleansing.

Buy V Cleanser intimate wash here!

Remember that your vagina is unique and that small variations in taste and odour are completely normal ❤️

Take care of yourself and Stay Pussytive ❤️

/Team VagiVital