5 wisdoms around sexuality and vaginal health

What is sexual health?

WHO (World Health Organization) explains sexual health as:

“…a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality”

“Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships…”

Read more at who.int

Sexual health can be disrupted by vaginal problems which may cause discomfort and prevent sexual experiences from being enjoyable. Symptoms of vaginal infections can include:

  • Redness, pain and itching
  • Pain or bleeding during sex
  • Vaginal odor
  • Yellow, grey, or green discharge
  • Burning sensation while urinating

As an effect from suffering from a vaginal infection, you might experience vaginal dryness which can be uncomfortable at best and painful at worst. Vaginal dryness can also be caused by medication and treatments or breastfeeding, amongst other reasons.

Nowadays even more severe symptoms of vaginal dryness can be treated by a non-hormonal gel, VagiVital Active Gel. It is a transparent vaginal gel that fights against issues such as dryness, itching, irritation and discomfort during sexual intercourse. 

2.     Keep an eye on changes in vaginal discharge

It is perfectly normal for your vagina to produce clear white secretions (discharge) and even when there’s more than usual, it doesn’t mean you have to worry. Changes could be connected to pregnancy, menopause or the menstrual cycle and could even change in character.

On the other hand, changes in colour, smell or if it’s starting to cause itching could indicate an infection.

During sex, bacteria can get into the vagina and cause diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Using condoms during sexual intercourse could protect you from these and other types of diseases.

Extensive washing or douching down there can disrupt the normal vaginal bacteria and isn’t a recommended routine to have. Try also to avoid perfumed soaps, scented wipes or vaginal deodorants.

For daily use, try VagiVital V-Cleanser, especially formulated to carefully cleanse, moisturize and restore the balance of the V. Totally soap and fragrance-free.

3.     Stay sexually active

Styaing sexually active can help keeping vaginal tissues moist, with a partner or through masturbation. Foreplay is also something that shouldn’t be underestimated or rushed through, in order to work up a good amount of natural lubrication and arousal.

If it’s been a while since you had sex it can be painful to begin with, but this can be helped by using lubricants or vaginal gels to help moisten the intimate area and successively work up to a level where you can enjoy sex again.

4.     A lack of sexual arousal is common as we get older

Getting older affects many women negatively when it comes to getting aroused and in some cases result in a complete lack of interest in sex. This could also be caused by going through surgery to remove the ovaries due to for example cancer or consequently from using certain drugs like serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

When it comes to medication and the effects they may have on your body and wellbeing is best discussed with your doctor. It might be that there are alternatives to the medications you use or even that there is something you no longer need.
Discussing with your partner and explaining how you feel might also relieve some pressure which in turn could have a positive impact on your arousal levels.

Other ways of getting the desire back could be to simply not focus specifically on sexual intercourse, but rather on outercourse. Cuddling, sharing fantasies and genital stroking with the focus being on pleasure rather than orgasm are ways of being intimate without penetrative sex.

5.      Vaginal Dryness can be caused by more than one thing

Feeling dry down there cannot only be unpleasant but for some also painful. Discomfort or pain can affect your sex life, self esteem and quality of life if left untreated.

The first thing to do if you experience vaginal dryness is to try and find the reason behind why you’re feeling discomfort down there. Finding out what’s causing the issue is key when trying to find the best way for relief and reasons can vary from physiological factors like hormonal changes to psychological ones.

Causes behind vaginal dryness vary and the treatment options as well. It’s common to experience symptoms during or after menopause but can occur at any age. If you’re using certain types of medications this could also have an impact, or if you’ve gone through medical treatments such as chemotherapy.

Read more about vagina dryness symptoms and treatment alternatives