Intimate hygiene, the correct way – important advice for keeping your vagina clean

When I was young, there was hardly any proper intimate cleaning product on the market. And I remember that it was therefore both a little uncomfortable and embarrassing to walk around with that product in the store. The product had only one purpose. Something everyone knew. In addition, at that time there was no accepted term such as "vaginal health". Therefore, many women bought products such as pads, tampons and intimate wash very discreetly in the store, because there was no online shopping. During the nerve-wracking long minutes in the checkout queue, it always felt like there was a big bright neon sign above me shouting out the text "I'M GOING HOME TO WASH MY VAGINA!". Putting it swiftly up on the register, and paying faster than the speed of light. Phew! Once home in the shower, the next challenge came. It was difficult, to say the least, to wash the genitals with a product that had the consistency of runny milk. Therefore, various techniques were developed. You could either gently pour the contents into your cupped hand and then VERY QUICKLY slap it against your genitals and hope that you hit the right spot. Alternatively, you could try spraying the runny contents directly from the bottle over your vagina. Today, there is a wide range of genital products and vaginal health is fortunately becoming more and more normalized, but there are still many questions that remain. Should you wash your genitals, and if so, how should you do it properly? Let's take a look at this important topic


Washing the vagina and vaginal health are topics that have received increasing attention in the research world in recent years. Here are some key insights from research on the vagina and vaginal microflora in relation to intimate washing:

🌺The self-cleaning mechanism

The vagina has a natural self-cleaning mechanism that regulates the pH balance and protects against infections. This means that excessive washing or using products with harsh chemicals or perfumes can actually be harmful by disrupting the natural balance and pH of the vagina.

🌺Vaginal microflora

Research has shown that the vagina has a complex microflora of bacteria, including the beneficial lactobacilli. The bacterial flora plays an important role in protecting the vagina from harmful bacteria and fungal infections. Using strong soaps and perfumed products can therefore disrupt the vaginal microflora.

Read the blog about vaginal flora here!

🌺Watch out for soap

You may think that soap is the best way to keep your vagina clean, but excessive use of high pH soap can disrupt the natural balance of the vagina. Studies have shown that harsh soaps can increase the risk of infections and irritation.

🌺Avoid vaginal douching

Many studies have shown that douching or flushing the vagina is not a good idea. In fact, research has linked it to an increased risk of vaginal infections and vaginal imbalance. As the vagina has its own self-cleaning mechanism and a balanced microflora that helps protect against infections, vaginal douching can disrupt the natural balance by washing away beneficial bacteria and changing the pH of the vagina, which can increase the risk of infections.

🌺Understanding vaginal pH

The vagina has a natural pH value that helps protect against harmful bacteria and infections. The normal pH of the vagina is usually between 3.8 and 4.5, and this acidity is created and maintained by the beneficial lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) that live in the vagina. An intimate wash should therefore have a pH value that is in line with the natural acidity of the vagina to preserve the vagina's natural balance.

Too high pH values (i.e. more alkaline) can disrupt the natural microflora and increase the risk of infections.

🌺Consider the products you use

Hygiene products can affect the vaginal microflora and pH value. According to research, products with fragrances and chemicals can disrupt the balance in the vagina. Therefore, make sure that the products you choose for intimate washing are gentle and avoid products that contain strong fragrances or perfume.


Feminine hygiene and cleaning are topics that have been of interest to women for centuries. The way we care for our genitals has also varied over time and in different parts of the world. There have been a number of different intimate hygiene practices that have been shaped by cultural and geographical factors, available resources and traditions.

Ancient Egypt and Greece

Sanitation and beauty care were a central part of daily life in ancient Egypt and Greece, and early forms of soap were used for cleaning. Soap was made by mixing ash from burnt wood with fat or oil. This mixture formed a cleansing substance that was used to wash the body and clothes. The soap was not only used to clean the body, but also to wash the genitals.

Europe in the Middle Ages

Medieval Europe was characterized by a lack of clean water and sanitation, which affected how people could take care of their hygiene, including cleaning their genitals. Because of the challenging hygienic situation, women often used perfumed creams and herbs to mask unpleasant odors from the genital area. These products were used to hide odors, not to clean or care for the intimate area.

Ancient China

For the Chinese in ancient China, hygiene was an integral part of daily life, and one of the traditional methods of intimate cleaning was to make a mixture of rice water and herbs. Rice water is the water used for rinsing rice before cooking it. To enhance the cleansing and health-giving properties of rice water, women sometimes added various herbs and plant extracts. These plants could have antiseptic or antibacterial properties and help to prevent or relieve infections and discomfort in the intimate area.

Ancient India

Already in ancient India, there was a strong connection to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine and health care that emphasizes the use of natural ingredients and holistic care. Ayurveda placed great emphasis on personal hygiene, including intimate hygiene. Ayurveda used a variety of natural ingredients to clean and care for the intimate area. These ingredients included various herbs, plant extracts and natural oils. Sometimes women also used herbal washing solutions for intimate hygiene. These solutions could contain the extracts of Ayurvedic herbs such as aloe vera, neem and triphala. The plants were considered to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties and were used to clean and promote genital health.

Traditional African hygiene

People in many parts of Africa have traditionally used the natural resources in their environment to keep themselves clean. That includes ingredients such as clay, plants, bark and roots. A common method of cleanliness and intimate hygiene in traditional African societies is the use of clay. Clay has absorbent properties and is well suited to removing dirt and excess moisture. These clays are applied to the body and intimate area and then washed away with water. In addition, many traditional African societies also used plants with natural antiseptic or antibacterial properties for intimate hygiene.

Arctic bathing routines

Arctic bathing, practiced by indigenous peoples in the Arctic, is a fascinating practice that involves the use of ice or snow for cleansing and intimate hygiene. The use of ice or snow was a practical method in the cold climate where access to warm water was limited and the cold helped to reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort. In addition, the natural cold was considered cleansing. The practice of Arctic bathing was part of the cultural and traditional practices of many indigenous peoples in the Arctic region.

Traditional Japanese onsen

In Japan, traditional Japanese onsen (hot springs or hot baths) have long been part of the culture. Onsen are spread throughout Japan due to the country's geothermal activity. These sources have hot and mineral-rich water that is said to have therapeutic properties.

The Japanese have long thought that onsen not only promotes general cleanliness, but also helps to maintain health in the intimate area. The hot water and minerals in it are said to relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation, all of which can be beneficial for intimate hygiene.


Women's vaginal hygiene has become a topic of intense research and discussion in today's society. The majority of experts recommend that women avoid excessive washing of the vagina, as it can disrupt the vagina's natural balance and increase the risk of infections. Instead, mild and gentle cleansing with water or special products intended for intimate washing is recommended. There are a number of intimate cleansing products on the market today, but my personal favorite VagiVital Moisturizing V Cleanser is MORE than a regular intimate cleanser, as it is based on VagiVital's clinically proven AktivGel and a little rapeseed oil that provides unique moisturizing properties. This product can clean both oil and water-soluble impurities without disturbing the delicate vaginal flora or the pH balance in the genital area, while moisturizing. Importantly, it is soap-free and contains no fragrance or parabens, making it suitable for women with sensitive skin. Use the product daily instead of soap or other perfumed products that often disrupt the vaginal flora and the natural pH balance. It is recommended by gynecologists and can be combined with VagiVital AktivGel for maximum hydration

VagiVital V Cleanser can be found here!


We have no fixed rule for how often you should wash your vagina, as it can vary from person to person and depends on individual needs and preferences. Here are some guidelines to consider:

🌺Daily external washing of the vulva

It is common to wash the external area of the genital area daily, but remember to always use a mild, unscented product like VagiVital V Cleanser and avoid washing the inside of the vagina as this can disrupt the natural pH balance and vaginal microflora.

🌺Avoid excessive washing

Excessively washing your vagina can be harmful, as it can cause irritation and disrupt the natural balance of the vagina. You should also avoid strong or perfumed products that can be irritating.

🌺After intercourse

It can be beneficial to wash the external area of the genital area after intercourse to reduce the risk of infection. Use clean water or a mild product and avoid harsh chemicals.

🌺During menstruation

During menstruation, it may be necessary to wash more often to maintain good hygiene. Use a gentle product that balances the pH value without disturbing the delicate vaginal flora.


The future of vaginal health and intimate hygiene looks promising considering the growing awareness and interest in this topic. Meanwhile, research into vaginal health and intimate hygiene is increasing, leading to a deeper understanding of vaginal flora, pH balance and how different products affect the genital area. During my teenage years, there weren't many products on the market for intimate cleansing and it was a time when vaginal health was hardly discussed openly, but today it looks different as more and more people are also starting to understand that women's vaginal health is something both important and valuable

Take care of yourself & Stay Pussytive



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