Find out if you are in pre-menopause

I am in the middle of London on my 50th birthday, with a map of all the districts in front of me and I am getting really frustrated with not knowing where I am. Having no idea where you are is challenging in any situation. Perhaps that's why even pre-menopause can feel like a journey through an unknown country. It feels like being on a bus ride where you don't really know what station you're at or where to get off, and your fellow passengers speak a foreign language. You shout out loud 'WHERE AM I?' but get no answer.

In retrospect, I have come to understand that I probably entered my pre-menopause around the same time I had given birth to my fourth child at the age of 41. I was easy going and could go crazy over little things. At night I would sweat so much that I had to put large bath towels on the bed. At the same time as I was pissed off at everything and everyone, I had an increased sex drive. Being horny and angry is also a very strange (and sometimes humorous) combination. My periods continued as usual and came regularly, but each time I was bleeding. Since I also belong to the group of women affected by PMS, it became even more confusing, as it was sometimes difficult to distinguish between what was PMS and what was due to the onset of pre-menopause. I literally felt like I was going crazy.

Eventually, I understood and started reading up. I made active decisions about how to manage and treat my hormonal rollercoaster, and today things have calmed down. However, I am still in the pre-menopausal phase, as I still have my period. However, my cycle is extremely irregular and varies from 18 to 126 days, which can be very stressful.

I'm no longer as angry, but maybe more fragile, which is actually something I'm trying to accept and embrace. An important part is that above all my husband knows what I am going through and has knowledge about menopause. It takes security and trust to also be able to be fragile. Because with age I have learned that you can be very strong and at the same time fragile. Today, I also try to prioritize sleep better and exercise is vital - especially for my brain.

If I had access to a menopause test 9 years ago it would have actually made a big difference. I had escaped a number of years of confusion and frustration and instead was immediately able to make active decisions to manage my hormonal roller coaster. That's why I'm extra proud that VagiVital can now offer a pre-menopause/menopause self-test that directly gives you answers to where you are on your journey


Pre-menopause, also known as perimenopause, marks an important transition period in a woman's life and can begin as early as age 35. It is during this period that she begins to approach menopause, which is the point at which menstruation ends for good. This phase means that the body undergoes a series of extensive hormonal changes. The symptoms during perimenopause can be many and varied. Women can experience everything from mood swings, irregular periods and sleep problems to hot flashes and night sweats. The list of possible symptoms is long and each woman's experience is unique.


Every woman's experience of perimenopause is unique and the symptoms can also vary over time. Some of the more common symptoms include:

🌸 Irritation: Feelings of irritability and frustration over small things.
🌸 Anxiety: A feeling of constant anxiety or nervousness, often for no apparent reason.
🌸 Fatigue: Overwhelming and persistent feeling of exhaustion, which does not improve with rest.
🌸 Mood swings: Rapid and unpredictable changes in mood, from happiness to sadness or anger.
🌸 Increased sex drive: A noticeable change in sexual desire, often an increase.
🌸 Sleep problems: Difficulty falling asleep or maintaining a good night's sleep.
🌸 Brain fog: The experience of confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
🌸 Palpitations: Unpleasant feelings of the heart beating too fast or irregularly.
🌸 Sadness: Feelings of sadness, hopelessness or a decrease in joy in life.
🌸 Sore breasts: Tenderness and discomfort in the breasts, often with a feeling of heaviness or tension.
🌸 Hot flashes: Sudden waves of heat that spread over the body, often accompanied by flushing and sweating.
🌸 Night sweats: Intense sweating during the night, which can be so extensive that it requires a change of bedding.
🌸 Altered menstrual cycle: Irregularity in the menstrual cycle, which may include altered flow strength or length.
🌸 Iron deficiency: Symptoms such as fatigue and paleness, caused by reduced iron levels in the body.
🌸 Weight gain: An unexplained increase in body weight, often concentrated around the waist.

This comprehensive list of pre-menopause symptoms truly reflects how each woman's experience can differ. It is important to remember that these symptoms can vary in intensity and frequency. Also, discerning whether your symptoms are related to PMS or premenopause can be a challenge. However, there are some clear differences that can help you understand what you are experiencing.


PMS symptoms usually begin about 14 days before the start of menstruation and decrease or disappear completely with the onset of menstruation. Symptoms can include mood swings, increased irritability, fatigue, sensitivity, anxiety and even physical complaints such as sore breasts, feeling bloated and swollen, joint pain, headaches and skin problems. Research has not fully clarified the causes of PMS, but it is believed that women with PMS are extra sensitive to lower levels of progesterone and/or to the substances that break down progesterone after ovulation.

On the other hand, in premenopause, the symptoms are felt more or less the same throughout the menstrual cycle. These symptoms go on continuously and are not directly related to the menstrual cycle. Common signs of perimenopause can include low energy levels, changes in skin and hair, mood swings, altered menstrual cycle where periods may become heavier, as well as hot flashes and night sweats. Women approaching menopause may also experience a change in their PMS, often becoming more noticeable or changing in character.


Premenopause is a time of hormonal changes that vary between women. The average age of onset of premenopause is around 47.5 years, but it can start as early as age 35. Symptoms usually become noticeable between the ages of 40 and 45. This phase can last from five to ten years or longer, depending on each individual woman's physical health and bodily conditions. As many women today choose to have children later in life, perimenopause symptoms can be particularly challenging for women who are also dealing with the demands of being a new mother. Understanding and identifying whether you are in perimenopause can be an important first step in managing this life change.


An effective first step is to use the VagiVital Menopause FSH test for pre-menopause/menopause which is designed to give an indication of whether you are in pre-menopause/menopause by measuring certain hormone levels. It can help you gain a better understanding of the symptoms you are experiencing and help you decide on any next steps, such as seeking professional medical advice or exploring appropriate treatment options.

VagiVital Menopause FSH Test:

🌸Pre-menopause/menopause self-test
🌸Clinically proven with 94% accuracy
🌸Easy to use at home
🌸Answer within 5 min
🌸Gives you an indication if you are in pre-menopause/menopause
🌸Contains 2 tests

You can find the VagiVital Menopause FSH test here

Premenopause is a time of both change and adaptation. Understanding its symptoms and impact can help women navigate through this phase with greater ease and awareness. Each woman's experience is unique, but by sharing our experiences to a greater extent, we can also help fellow sisters And there is much more to tell about both premenopause and menopause. So don't miss out on subscribing to our newsletter

Take care & Stay Pussytive

/Fanny Falkman Grindal

Business Manager Nordics