A beginners guide to vaginal discharge

Did you know that in ancient Greece and Rome, vaginal discharge was actually an important thing in medicine? It was part of the four bodily fluids: blood, mucus, black bile and yellow bile. The key to good health was to maintain the balance between these. Therefore, vaginal discharge was seen as a natural phenomenon that helped keep the body in balance ❤️

In the Middle Ages, which were characterised by religious beliefs, vaginal discharge could sometimes get a bad reputation and be associated with impurity or even sin. Now, thanks to scientific advances, a deeper understanding of how the body works has led to a better appreciation of discharge as an important part of a woman's reproductive system. In fact, vaginal discharge has been a part of women's lives for as long as there have been women❤️ but it's still a bit of a taboo and there are many misconceptions that need to be cleared up.

So what is discharge and why does it occur?


Discharge is not only normal, but also a necessary part of a woman's reproductive health. The body's natural secretion is the body's way of maintaining a healthy environment in the vagina. It is simply the body's way of keeping the vagina in good condition. The fluids also vary in colour and consistency depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. From puberty to menopause, women experience changes in their discharge. It is normal for the amount and type of discharge to vary with age and hormonal changes. But what exactly is vaginal discharge, what does it consist of and why is it so important for our health?

Do you have a foul smelling discharge? With VagiVital VS Self Test, you can find out if you have bacterial vaginosis in 30 seconds!

VagiVital VS Self-test can be found here!


Discharge consists of a complex mixture of fluids and cells that are continuously secreted from the inside of the vagina and cervix. This is a continuous process that plays a crucial role in keeping the vagina healthy and functioning optimally. The most important elements of this system are:

🌸 Fluids from the cervix and vagina

These help to moisturise and clean the vagina, which helps to prevent infections.

🌸 Rejected cells from the vaginal and cervical walls.

These cells contribute to the natural cleansing process by removing dead cells from the vagina.

🌸 Healthy bacteria

In particular, lactobacilli keep the pH in the vagina at a low level, creating an inhospitable environment for harmful microorganisms.

🌸 Secretion from the glands in the cervix

This secretion changes consistency throughout the menstrual cycle and affects both fertility and acts as a natural barrier to infection.


Vaginal discharge are superheroes when it comes to keeping your vagina healthy and balanced. They play an important role in both cleaning and protecting your genitals. But how does this system work and why is it so important?

🌸 How to keep your vagina clean

Your vagina can take care of itself, and vaginal discharge is a big part of that job. They help by constantly sending out a mixture of fluid and cells. This helps to wash away old cells and things that shouldn't be there, keeping the vagina clean and reducing the risk of irritation and infection.

🌸 How to keep your vagina healthy

A good balance between different bacteria is a prerequisite for a healthy vagina. The fluids help with this by ensuring that the vagina is slightly acidic, a pH level that favours the good bacteria (lactobacilli). These friendly bacteria produce lactic acid that keeps the less friendly bacteria away. This protection is very important to avoid problems that can occur if the bad bacteria get the upper hand.

🌸 Protection against unwanted guests

The fluids are a bit like a guard at the door to the internal reproductive organs. They help to keep out bacteria and viruses that can cause problems. When it's time to ovulate, the cervical mucus changes to make it easier for sperm to pass through. The rest of the time, the mucus is thicker to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering. This is a smart way for the body to protect itself.

🌸 A way to take control of your health

If the discharge changes in quantity, colour or smell, it could be a sign that something is wrong. For example, if you notice more discharge than usual, or if it turns a greyish colour and smells bad, it could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, which is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. By being aware of these changes, you can get help in time if something is wrong.

Read a blog on how to prevent foul-smelling discharge, fungus and urinary tract infection here!


Changes in the colour, smell or consistency of the discharge can often be the first signs that something is wrong with the body's health. For example:

🌸 Clear and watery or white and creamy - usually indicates normal discharge.

🌸 Yellow or green and foul-smelling - may be a sign of an infection.

🌸 Pink or blood-mixed discharge - may indicate bleeding in the lower abdomen.

Read the blog about bacterial vaginosis - foul-smelling discharge here!


The odour of normal vaginal discharge is usually very mild and can be described as neutral or only slightly acidic, which is due to the natural bacterial flora in the vagina. This acidity is due to lactobacilli, good bacteria that predominate in a healthy vaginal environment. The lactobacilli produce lactic acid that helps to keep the pH of the vagina low (between 3.8 and 4.5), which contributes to a slightly acidic odour but also protects against the growth of harmful microorganisms.

A mild, sour odour is therefore completely normal and nothing to worry about. The odour may vary slightly depending on your menstrual cycle, hormonal changes, sexual activity and personal hygiene. It is important to note that a healthy vagina is not odourless, and that small variations in odour are normal and natural.

However, if the odour of discharge becomes strong, unpleasant or changes in character, it may be a sign of an infection or imbalance in the vaginal environment. For example, a fishy odour may indicate bacterial vaginosis, a condition where there is an imbalance in the vaginal bacterial flora. A yeasty or bread-like odour may instead indicate a fungal infection, such as candida. These odour changes are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as unusual colour or consistency of the discharge, itching or irritation.

Discharge gives us balance, protection and renewal! The natural odour of discharge is nothing to be ashamed of, but rather a sign that everything is working properly. Throughout history, women's discharge has not always been recognised as it deserves. So next time you notice a discharge, take it as a reminder to send some love to the incredible intelligence of the female body ❤️

Take care of yourself and Stay Pussytive ❤️

/Fanny Falkman Grinndal

Business Manager Nordics

Peptonic Medical AB
